The Library is incredibly grateful to the members of the Bar for their generous book donations. Contributions are an integral part of the Library’s history. In 1641 the library was founded with the bequest of over 5,000 books by prominent member, Robert Ashley; Lord Phillimore of Shiplake’s donation in 1929 shaped our international collection, and in more recent times, the estate of Master Louis Blom-Cooper gifted a collection of books and pamphlets to the Library.

Since the publication of the last Middle Templar, we have received the following practitioner texts and legal works. The Library would like to thank these donors and recognise their contribution.
- From His Honour Inigo Bing: The Ten Legal Cases That Made Modern Britain, 2022
- From Master Burns: The Law of Reinsurance, 3rd ed, 2021
- From Master Gale: An Advocate’s Story, 2022
- From Myles Grandison: A Practical Guide to Extradition Law Post-Brexit, 2021
- From Master Grant: The Mandela Brief: Sydney Kentridge and the Trials of Apartheid, 2022
- From Master Hazell: Executive Power: The Prerogative, Past, Present and Future, 2022
- From Jennifer Horne-Roberts: Selected Poems, 2023
- From Mohammud Jaamae Hafeez-Baig: The Law of Tracing, 2021
- From Professor Grant Jones: Protected Cell Companies: A Guide to Their Implementation and Use, 2008
- From Christopher Loxton: Parallel State and Arbitral Procedures in International Arbitration, 2006
- From Stephen Mason: The Signature in Law: From the Thirteenth Century to the Facsimile, 2022
- From Master McGowan: A Summary of the Law Relative to Pleading and Evidence in Criminal Cases, 1822
- From Master Mynors: The Law of Trees, Forests and Hedges 3rd ed, 2022
- From Her Honour Nasreen Pearce: A Practitioner’s Guide to Probate Disputes, 2nd ed, 2022
- From Judith Ratcliffe: Privacy and Data Protection in Your Pocket: Personal Data Breaches, 2023
- From Paul Taylor KC: Taylor on Criminal Appeals, 3rd ed, 2022

Beth Flerlage is an assistant librarian. She is responsible for the development of the UK and Official Publications collections. She also contributes to the teaching program provided by the organisation to support members of the Bar.