The Middle Temple Library express their heartfelt thanks to the following members and Benchers who have donated books over the course of 2020/21 (in order of receipt).

  • From Master Stuart Bridge: The Sale of Goods 4th edition and Benjamin’s Sale of Goods 11th edition
  • From Dr Oliver Caplin: Miller’s Marine War Risks, 4th edition
  • From Richard Harwood QC: Planning Enforcement, 3rd edition
  • From Austen Morgan: The Belfast Agreement: a Practical Legal Analysis 
  • and Tony Blair and the IRA
  • From Master William Flenley: The Law of Solicitors’ Liabilities, 4th edition
  • From His Honour Inigo Bing: Populism on Trial: What Happens When Trust in Law 
  • Breaks Down
  • From Sarah Haren QC: Partnership Law, 6th edition
  • From Master Neil Andrews: Contractual Duties: Performance, Breach, Termination and Remedies 3rd edition and Andrews on Civil Processes: Court Proceedings, Arbitration and Mediation 2nd edition
  • From Master Peter Murphy: Judge Walden: Back in Session, Judge Walden: 
  • Call the Next Case and Walden of Bermondsey
  • From Master Edward Lasok: EU Value Added Tax Law
  • From Master Eric Stockdale: Blackstone’s Criminal Practice 2021
  • From Master Gary Hickinbottom: Blackstone’s Civil Practice 2021
  • From Susan Odell Walker: The Production of a Female Pen: Anna Larpent’s Account of the Duchess of Kingston’s Bigamy Trial of 1776 
  • From Master Michael Blair: Financial Markets and Exchanges Law 3rd ed.
  • From The Honourable J. Matthew Martin: The Cherokee Supreme Court: 1823-1835 
  • From The Honourable John Sackar QC: Lord Devlin

There is a longstanding custom whereby Middle Temple members who are also authors donate a copy of their work to the Library. We are always grateful for the generosity of our members. Donations receive a bookplate inside the book, a note in the catalogue and an acknowledgement in the Middle Templar. We are happy to receive these kind gifts in person, as well as the post. If you would like to donate a book to Middle Temple Library please do get in touch, at